I was reading Jill's blog about Whitney's surgery and well, this is our story...
As you well know, our family has had extensive experience with eye stuff. We visited the eye doctor today (actually a retina specialist). It has been 6 months since Travis had his retina reattached and extensive laser treatments. It doesn't seem that the brain is sufficiently doing its job and straightening out the eye. He is going to have to have the same surgery as Whitney! We are going to see a doctor in Provo. I have been seeing him for about 15 years because some medicines I take can cause blindness. I am very good about seeing him twice a year. Anyway, he is the doctor that initially found Trav's problems about three years ago. Looks like he'll be the one to do the 2nd surgery. But to quote Jill, "Argh" on all things dealing with surgery, eye problems and certainly pedantic, chauvinistic, know-it-all doctors. (Trav's retinal specialist is EXCELLENT and so is the general opthamologist we are seeing - only speaking on Jill's post and some past bad experiences.)
Nice photos, oh so graphic. I'm sorry that Travis will have to experience more surgery to fix his eye. That's crazy that it's the same as Whitney's (we'll have to talk doctors at a later date). I hope all goes well and I'm really glad you two are double covered with your insurance--that's a blessing.
Eew, I don't like pictures of eyes. Marc had a corneal transplant when we were dating and I took him to a few appointments to have stitches removed. He described the procedure to me, and since then, I can't stand talk about eye procedures! Yikes. Hope this helps Travis to see better.
My eyes are watering so badly I can hardly type (I just retyped hardly 6 times, no joke!). I hate eye stuff and yet, our eyes are SO amazing! I hope all goes well with Travis's and Whitney's surgeries!
I'm sorry Travis is going to have to have more surgery. I hope this will be the one that will fix all of the problems associated with his detached retina once and for all. Let us know if you need anything when he has his surgery.
Hi. Jill's friend here.
This is a total long shot. are you by chance seeing John Carver?
sorry to hear about all the eye stuff. My husband and i worked for a retinal specialist about 11 years ago (dr. c.)
I wish your husband the best.
Yep - We are seeing John Carver - love him!
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