Weekend Recap

Friday night, I attended the Blog Party at Jill's. It was so much fun! I have been a "blog slacker" lately so I went to the party not very familiar with many of the Blogger guests. It didn't take long to feel comfortable and feel like I have made some new friends. Thanks all for such a fun time! The gift exchange was a highlight!
The photo is of our brand new faucet! We have had a leaky faucet for way too long. Our hometeacher happens to work for a plumbing supply store and he informed us that our leaky Moen faucet has a lifetime guarantee. We ended up getting this oh-so-cute and fully functional Moen faucet for about $35.00 (after turning our old one in). I never knew we had such awesome water pressure!! Major score! Actually the biggest score was that our giving and sweet hometeacher offered to install it which he did on Saturday.
I was in charge of the Stake Baptisms on Saturday morning which was a sweet event. Travis left on Saturday mid-afternoon for Dallas where he is attending a conference through Tuesday. After taking him to the airport, I worked on Primary stuff. I had some baptism posters to create and I also had Sharing Time preparation.
The Sharing Time theme was "I am blessed when I obey the commandments." I always learn a lot when I prepare lessons and I am appreciative of how the Primary children seemed to listen and take part in the lesson.
It was a quiet day for me. It is unusual that Trav is gone over the weekend so it was a bit strange to have the whole day to myself. I took my usual Sunday nap and read "Gilead" for Thursday's RBC. I actually had a nice, peaceful day for which I am grateful.
I feel ready for the work week - rested and ready to go!
I love your new faucet. Sadly, I'm thinking that we may have to replace ours, too. The PG water is so hard that it is starting to ruin our appliances.
It was fun seeing you at the blog party. I'll see you Thursday.
I like the new faucet as well, I love it when the squirter thing pulls right out of the actual fixture and isn't a completely separate fixture.
I'm glad you're rested after your weekend, how often does that actually happen? Are you enjoying Gilead? Enjoy your solitude while Travis is gone. I know it's nice to be together, but it's nice to be alone sometimes too.
So glad you had a good weekend. I know I enjoy the quiet whenever it comes at my house (rarely). Now that I don't work, I love Mondays, but I hardly ever felt ready to go back to work back in the day. See you Thursday!
Ms. Faucet:
Thank you so much for your comments at the Stockholm Conference. Your research is, as always, impeccable and your wit and humour brightened the day. I trust you'll present again in Johannesburgh?
best wishes and give my regards to Travis.
I love to have quiet time or as I have dubbed it, "Pam Time". Enjoy your weekend and get caught up on you.
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