This was our tour guide while we were in Egypt. Her name is "Bigga." She translated in English and Italian.
This photo was taken just outside the mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha in Cairo. Both Trav and I loved visiting the mosque. We had never even been close to a mosque. We both felt a very reverent feeling while inside.
ok- I check the rounds when I get on blogger which is so great because everyone is linked, until now!! Your links are missing! It's been so long without links, how do I move to the next blog? :)
I thought I was in the wrong place with your new look. I like it! Cool pictures...I studied Greece a lot with the kids this year, fun to see the real thing!
This is my life...I work, I sleep & eat, I spend quality time with my adorable husband, I laugh with the girls, I serve in church, I spoil my nieces and nephews, I lunch with inspiring friends, I create, I read and ponder, and now I blog!
I just love the huge fanny pack the woman in the background is wearing. I know they're very practical, but they're also very ridiculous too. Funny.
Oh I just love traveling and learning....
Hey, cool new look, Collette!
What the heck is this cool new background layout thing? SO great! And fun pictures- I really want to see your show!!
ok- I check the rounds when I get on blogger which is so great because everyone is linked, until now!! Your links are missing! It's been so long without links, how do I move to the next blog? :)
Cool new blog! Let's make time to see your whole slide show.
I thought I was in the wrong place with your new look. I like it! Cool pictures...I studied Greece a lot with the kids this year, fun to see the real thing!
My slideshow is ready to go if we can ever get together! :)
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