My sweet sister Robyn emailed me to see if I was okay because I hadn't blogged for a while. So, here goes another update (I will try to do better).
Last week was crazy busy. I don't think my work calendar has ever been so booked. I had Maria's book club on Wednesday night. It was held at Nancy's home in Hobble Creek so I didn't get home until late. We had such a fun evening. We discussed "All Over But the Shoutin" by Rick Bragg. It was a memoir about his difficult upbringing, his undying love for his mother as well as his insights regarding the many stories he had covered (writer for the NY Times). I was particularly intrigued by his take on the uprising in Haiti, the Susan Smith case as well as his first-hand account of the LA Riots. I would highly recommend this book!
Jill, Michelle, Jenn and I met at Jana's on Thursday to help her paint her loft. It was fun gabbing and working together.
I came home from work on Friday evening completely exhausted. I was so grateful for a "do nothing" day at home. We took care of our chores and I finished "The Known World" for book club on Tuesday. We went to see "Take the Lead", starring Antonio Banderas. It was my choice and Trav wasn't all that thrilled about my choice but he liked it alright (6 out of 10).
Sunday brought a bit of a scare for me. I was at church and was feeling just fine. At the beginning of the 3rd hour, I got really dizzy and was lucky to find a seat. I had this terrible wave of nausea. I had our Primary President run and get Travis and he took me home. I had just bought a blood pressure cuff so when I got home, I took my BP and it was pretty high. I then got a bad migraine the rest of the evening but was relieved a bit when I finally threw up (sorry if that is too icky). We debated whether or not to go to the hospital, but ultimately decided to wait and see my doctor on today.
So, I saw a nurse practitioner this morning. My sweet mom came to AF and picked me up because she didn't want me driving. The EKG was clear (whew!) but my BP was still really high so they put me back on BP medication. They also gave me phenigrine for the nausea. That basically knocked me out for the rest of the day. I am still feeling dizzy but better. The nurse was pretty sure that the high BP was causing the frequent migraines so here is to hoping that helps!
I'll go back to work tomorrow but hopefully this week won't be so hectic. To all my RBC chicks, no worries about Tuesday night. I am still planning (and looking forward) to having you all over. Thanks for your calls and concern.