Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Day of my Birth

I am surrounded by incredibly generous and loving friends, family and co-workers. As the last goodie (huge heart-shaped sugar cookie) was dropped off last night, I was overwhelmed and brought to tears as I reflected on the celebration of the “day of my birth”. I started jotting down all the goodness that had come my way and all the people who truly went out of their way to show me kindness. The number of text messages, phone calls, cards, gifts, emails and people just stopping by to wish me well was too much to quantify. Gratitude sums up my feelings - true gratitude for my life.

I have had my health challenges and one significant unfulfilled dream; HOWEVER, that is not my life. My life is brimming with important and fulfilling relationships. It is filled with laughter, happy tears, and a joie de vivre. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and attentive husband. I don’t even know how to express how much I love and respect Travis. Really and truly (LYDLL). I am blessed with opportunities all over the place to serve and utilize my talents and abilities. I have seen incredible places all over this world and can’t wait to see more!

So, I am not afraid of the future. I am proud to be 36 and am grateful I feel as fulfilled as I do. That is a blessing.


Blogger jenn said...

I am glad you had a good day! I love how you said the things that you haven't done aren't your life! And I love how much you have done in 36 years. Looking forward to 36 more as your friend!!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Bond Girl 007 said...

wow what wise words to use...eventhough they are part of you...they don't dictate who you are.
You sound like a very very sweet persoN! Enjoy reading all of your adventures!

4:38 PM  
Blogger everything pink! said...

Happy birthday!

6:12 PM  
Blogger melanie said...

What a great post! I love the moment I decided to not let my heartaches and challenges define my life. I hope you had a wonderful day! 36 sounds like a great place to be!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Tears of gratitude are the best tears of all! I'm so glad you felt so loved on your birthday, that's exactly the way you should feel on your very special day. You're wonderful!

1:08 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I am so happy that your bithday was so good. I usually have such low expectations for a birthday. I think the quality of your birthday is a testament to the fact that you have an impact on people. They like you, are drawn to you, and you touch their lives in meaningful ways. Happy birthday again, Collette.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Jana said...

I am so glad that you had a fabulous birthday. You have such wonderful family, coworkers, and friends.

11:09 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

Hooray! I am so glad that you felt loved and cared for on your birthday. And so wonderful that you are happy with where you are in life and anticipating the future. You are blessed indeed.

11:20 PM  

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