I have a recurring dream. Undoubtedly, this dream causes me to wake up in fear that I have lost my wedding rings. "My rings! My rings!" is my cry. This is one dream that I have over and over. My outburst wakes Travis up and he has to soothe me back to sleep, assuring me that my rings are safely on my fingers. Is this strange or what? What am I afraid of losing? I think I am ready to open it up for discussion and psychoanalysis. Besides having the dream where I am at school and have forgotten my locker combination or the dream that finds me at work without clothes, this ring dream is the most common. Anyone want to try their analysis? Oh yes, I also have to endure Trav's laughter the morning after. I need help!
That's an interesting dream. My first guess is that you fear losing Travis and not being married, but I'm not really qualified to interpret dreams so that could be totally wrong. It's worth looking into though because any recurring dream that impacts you enough to jolt you awake can't be good. Your unconscious mind is telling you something. For the sake of happy sleeping I think I'd research the meaning and find out what it is.
I'm laughing right now because I still have those dreams about not remembering my locker combination or realizing I'm at school without my clothes on. Will that just continue my entire life? Sheesh. I think maybe your dream underscores your love for Travis and how close you guys are. That would be the worst thing for you to lose in your life. You are so supportive of each other and totally inspiring. Either that, or you are more materialistic than I realized and you've gotta have that diamond! Kidding, of course.
Hey Collette, while at the hospital with Whitney yesterday we watched the Today show and they had a dream specialist on there. She said to write down your dreams first thing in the morning so you can remember all the details. She also said the evaluate them by asking what the objects are like (i.e., if it was a bear then you say, they're big, dangerous, scary, aggressive) then you ask yourself what in your life is big, dangerous, scary and aggressive. It seemed logical. So I guess if you write down the things your wedding ring means to you then you can figure out why you fear losing it so much. I thought you might also want to go to the Today Show website for more details.
Thanks Jill! I will check out that site. I will have to do some serious thinking about what my rings mean to me.
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