If Life Were Easy...

"How grateful I am that we have difficult things to wrestle with. They keep us young, if that is possible. They keep us alive. They keep us going. They keep us humble. They pull us down to our knees to ask the God of heaven for help in solving them. Be grateful for your problems, and know that somehow there will come a solution...Just do the best you can, but be sure it is the very best. Then leave it in the hands of the Lord" (President Gordon B. Hinkley)
"Burdens have the potential to exalt us, but baggage just weighs us down and wears us out...Worry, jealousy, and guilt are baggage. An unforgiving heart, anger, regret, and pride are baggage. Resentment, the desire to retaliate, fear, and insecurity create unbearable baggage." She continues, "if we don't want to carry any more than we have to through mortality, we've got to get rid of the baggage."
"If we're trying to make our way through life on our own, relying largely upon our own talents and strengths and abilities, at some point we will fall short. But if we learn to draw the power of
God into our lives, to open our minds to the spiritual privileges and possibilities right in front of us, there is literally no limit to what we may learn and come to understand."
I really love everything Sheri Dew has to say. I renewed my copy of No Doubt About It, from the library but think I need to buy it so I can go over it slowly. It looks like I'm going to have to get this book too.
I especially like that quote about the difference between burdens and baggage. Sometimes I feel like I hang onto my baggage like I'm afraid someone might steal it from me (when that would actually be a huge relief). It's like I've made it part of my identity, but now I'm sick of it. Perhaps that comes with growing up, but part of me feels like saying to the other part of me, "well it's about time!"
Wow. I have a lot of that baggage. And I'm a ways away from being grateful for trials. I love the way Sheri Dew speaks, and she makes me want to improve myself, not onlike the way President Hinckley is -- direct, but encouraging and with some humor thrown in. Thanks for sharing.
I have been reading this book too! And I want to read No Doubt About it because of all the things Jill has shared from it! I love good reminders!
Love the quote on baggage. That's something that I've been thinking a lot about this weekend. I'll tell more at book club.
great book. i am currently reading it. loved the quotes you pointed out.
Where are you Collette? I'm getting worried. It's been 4 days since you've posted or commented on any of the blogs.
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