Sweet Success!

The goal for today was to "spring clean" the kitchen. I spent about 5 hours total in the kitchen. I pulled everything from the cupboards and drawers. I cleaned EVERYTHING. I think having our uninvited furry friend around for a few days prior to his timely demise, I wanted to feel like everything was sanitized. Besides the cleaning part, I wanted to go through all the kitchen accoutrements and figure out what we don't use. I now have a huge pile for DI or yard sale. I am exhausted but it was so worth it.
When I told my mom that I had spent all day in the kitchen, she asked "your kitchen?" You see, it doesn't look all that different nor was it dirty to the naked eye, but I certainly can tell and I am tickled pink. I am ready to have some hot cocoa and put up my feet. Oh - I even used my new photoshop skills to remove the camera flash from the refrigerator. Sweet!!!
Thank you for taking before and after pictures! So nice to get the full visual. Thank you also for using the word accoutrements -- one of my favorites! I also cannot imagine you spending 5 hours cleaning your kitchen. MY kitchen, yes. YOUR kitchen, not really. But oh so satisfying.
I love the photos! It's so fun to be able to see these details of your life. I love a good spring cleaning, and it looks like you really did it to the max. Impressive for sure.
Did you want to do my kitchen now? Love the photos, the thought of a clean cupboard, and that you used your photoshop skills! Great Job!
There is nothing more pleasing around the house than a room that is clean and perfectly organized, purged of the clutter and then reassmbled. It gives such a sense of well being!
Good work on the photos, too. Isn't photshop so much fun?
what in the heck was your husband doing? Watching basketball all day? Oh, never mind... pretned like I didn;t say that-
I love the before and after photos. What a great sense of accomplishment even if your the only one that can see the difference. I love spring for this very reason, open windows, fresh air, a need to deep clean. What a satifying feeling.
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