What a rainy day! Much of Washington DC was shut down due to the rain. Luckily, I was at the conference all day so didn't have to fight the rain too much.
You may recognize this guy...Bill Rancic, the first winner of "The Apprentice." We chatted about Sundance and Utah. He gave me his card and asked me to call him tomorrow about a job in Chicago. He was sure that it was the perfect fit for me. I respectfully declined and told him that I was very happy with my current situation. He was (of course) saddened by my response, but I am certain he will hire an equally competent individual. But I jest...
The other photo is a shot of the Expo Hall. There are over 800 vendors! I couldn't help but think of Jill and how she hates Costco on Saturdays. It reminds me of that!
The sessions were good today. Louis Gerstner (former IBM CEO) was the keynote this morning. He talked about values and specifically if CEOs are not willing to fire those who violate the company's core values, they are making a mockery of those values.
I attended three other sessions. Some of the highlights:
- Does your organization truly link values to behavioral standards?
- Big Shots think they are exempt from the rules.
- DITO DITA - Dot it to One, Do it to ALL
- Optimism will not guarantee success but pessimism will guarantee failure
- Pessimists pass their poison on and they die sooner than optimists!
- The greatest source of pain is constantly doing things that destroy your self-worth
- If it's not fun, you have already quit!
- Another source of pain is to not know your ability and try for it anyway
- Fear is self-imposed, only restraint to what you get out of life
As you can see, lots of thoughts, some dealing with Human Resources and the law and others dealing with skill development. I think the best thing about conferences is the time spent in formulating new thoughts and ideas.
This evening was kind of a bust. That rain thing is a bummer! DC has been on the national news due to the flooding. We tried to get to the monuments, but the rain and traffic made that near impossible. We ate dinner at Dupont Circle. I first got a burrito at Chipotle, but after two horrendous HOT bites, I ran next door and got a sandwich.
We are now back to the hotel and decided a movie (TV) is the best bet. Until tomorrow...