
This is me!
Take two steps forward, one step back. That is the story of my life it seems. That statement has so many applications. One example is that I pray each day that I will "think before I speak." Not that I am a gossip, but I want to be assured that no one will be hurt by things I say. I'm just glad that I get to start over every day.
Do you ever pick up a book and want to quit reading it but feel obligated to finish? Obligated to whom, I don't know, but I feel that way much of the time. I just completed "The Eight" by Katherine Neville. It was a 598 page book so that is probably why I felt compelled to finish. It must be that darn reading contest! I wouldn't categorize it as historical fiction - it was more of a fiction with LOTS of fictionalized real historical figures. A little Napoleon, Washington, Robspierre, Richeleau, Wordsworth, Delacroix and the list never seemed to stop! It felt really forced and I hate that! It was also centered on the game of chess of which I have absolutely zero understanding. I am glad it is finished so now I can read "Patty Jane's House of Curl." I need a uncomplicated book so hopefully I won't be disappointed.
Interesting experience today. I had an all-day training for work today. I was in charge of all the logistics and such. I didn't get much sleep last night for whatever reason. In the past, if I have been nervous about an event, Trav has been able to "talk me down." He asks, "so what is the worst that could happen?" This gets me thinking about all the possible scenarios and I eventually see that if any of those things occur, I can handle it. Well, one of those worst case scenarios happened. Here it goes...
So we made it to St. George at about 9:00 last night. Uneventful drive. We stopped in Fillmore for dinner. It was a diner called "Larry's". I should have known! It took 25 minutes to get our food. I ordered a cheeseburger, no pickles and no onions. So, what did my burger have on it? Huge pickles and lots of chunky onions. So disappointing.
Ok, so I thought I'd chronicle my sick day. You already know that I woke up feeling sick and decided to forgo the work thing. I stayed in bed until about 9ish. I came downstairs in my PJs and posted a blog entry. I then balanced our checkbook and paid some bills. I then checked out drugstore.com and found that they have an FSA store. They have compiled a list of all items that are approved expenses for Flexible Spending Accounts. Due to the fact I didn't have LASIK, I needed to spend about $200 before March 15th or I'd lose the money. I got a lot of things for our emergency medical kit plus miscellaneous healthcare items. I was pretty excited about finding this resource. I checked email and checked in at work (all fine, nothing falling apart due to my absence).
Happy Valentine's Day!
I have the itch to write but not so sure what to say. Well, let's see where I go...
I have thought about this post for two days now but haven't had much time to put it in writing. My thoughts are all about Trav. How many husbands would work along side their wives in preparation of having a girl's night out at their home? Well, Trav is just one of those kind. Tuesday night, after having a long day at work (for the both of us), I was all about cleaning the house for a shindig Wednesday night. We worked side by side for about an hour. He never once complained. I can't tell you how much I appreciated his efforts. To him, it is "just the thing to do" with no second thought. For me, it was another expression of love. We each have different "love currency" and that is one for me. Trav - you rock! LYDLL
I have been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I have reviewed my life and have come to the conclusion that I have been way too ambivalent about many things. A distinct memory is when I spent time at Joanie's house as a kid. When she'd ask me what I wanted to eat, I'd say "whatever you are having." That is the type of thing I am talking about. What if I really wanted french toast? Would I ever say? I am sure I was trying to be polite (although she teases me about this type of thing even today). Does this come from being a 3rd child? I am not saying this is a necessarily bad trait, but as I turn the magic 35 (not so sure if it is magic) I think STOP...Express your opinion and say what you want! So the following is what I like:
Ardeth Kapp came to our Stake Enrichment Night. I have always loved her. The topic was "Finding Peace Through Trials". She challenged us to get rid of the 3 Cs and 3 Ds and take up the 3 Ps.